Fri 17th Feb Wirksworth Town Hall

Acts (click the act for more info)

Trevor Organ

Trevor Organ - Yorkshire man, cabaret artiste and the self styled 'Sultan of Spin' has been to Boom Boom once before and is surprised to be asked back. He is most well known for his spectacular plate-spinning act 'Trevor Organ's Cracking Crockery'. He also spins yarns about his dog, mum and showbiz family, all spiced through with some nifty plate manipulation and maybe Auntie Caroline's infamous ping-pong ball routine.

One Of Cabaret Boom Boom‘s old friends, we're taking Trevor to Wirksworth as he's not getting a summer holiday due to his bus pass being withdrawn.

Mundo Jazz

Mundo Jazz are a spoof World Music band whose mission is to teach us about peace, the environment, racial harmony and love. It’s unfortunate, then, that they know absolutely nothing… Ridiculously catchy songs, awful dancing, thunderously crass poetry and catastrophic onstage telephone conversations with the Whitehouse combine to create a beautifully subtle satire on the likes of Bono and Bob Geldof. Expect the unexpected with a musical accompaniment from Mundo Jazz. Worried about your carbon footprint? Don’t bother, you can buy one of theirs after the show…

See more info at

Dr Pandemonious Fish

Dr Pandemonious Fish, Dare devil? Nutcase? Talented circus entertainer! Armed with his Cyr wheel, a basket and a lotta ball pool balls...the Great Doctor creates moments to make you gasp, giggle and gaffor.

Madame Zucchini

Madame Zucchini loves vegetables and wants to share that joy with you. Join her and her vegetable actors as they perform in Star Wars, Jaws, Draculeek and Frankenvegetable to name but a few. AS seen on BGT..!