Acts (click the act for more info)
Gareth Oliver
Gareth Oliver takes the art of Ventriloquism to a whole new level.
A master of improvisation & an ambassador for the nonconformist, Gareth is a force of nature, who is hell-bent on tearing apart every preconceived notion you ever had about ventriloquism.
Since turning professional in 1999, he has travelled the world, opening peoples minds to a new way of doing things!
Cocoloco, a performance company with a love of the bizarre and its relationship to everyday life brings anarchic, eye-catching, quirky and wildy funny peripatetic performance to SHEFFIELD! present two pieces
Alice and Alice. Raucous, hilarious and ever so slightly bent, Salvidor Dali-esque, truly bizarre street theatre. delighting audiences with riddles, rhymes and nursery tales. Dramatic, yet comical . AND ....
Alan and Alan don’t pull any punches when it comes to frank discussion on the subject of penile engorgement. Two fellows who wear their masculinity on their sleeve.
Natalie Reckert
Virtouso German hand balancer. Confessions of an acrobat, a biceps busting, acrobatic spoken word performance. This piece is about the secrets of being a hand balancer and the dilemma of wanting to be a superhero and spongebob at the same time. When she is not busy being funny or strong, Natalie makes contemporary art. She graduated in 2007 from the National Centre of Circus Arts in London and has toured the world